About Us

We are a nonprofit managed by highschoolers looking to use our artistic creatvity and ability for a postive and lighthearted cause. It is our mission to make hospitalized/congenital anomoly born children smile during a time of hardship for them and their families. Through art, we want to make children feel seen in a world where AI art seems to be all the rage. We want our art and representations to be as true to themselves as a means to express the child’s identity through a fun and creative way, such as a personalized artwork of a desired theme or character, a portrayal of the child as their favorite superhero/character, or put into a fictional world. 

We work to bring children’s creativity to life, where we utilize our skills to make their creative visual invisions become a reality. We hope this serves as an opportunity for everyone to appreciate the young minds of children in need of a positive point of view. Nowadays, AI art has tried to achieve the same status as real artists, disregarding the true roots of talent and creativity that many artists hold dear and have worked years for. With our nonprofit, we will allow and inspire underrepresented children to see what true artists can achieve by means of skill, talent, and creativity, and will even invoke the desire to explore their creative talents as well as a potential escapism for any hardships currently faced by them.